Ever since I got my first leather jacket I was pretty hooked… I like it alot! I got my jacket in december 2007. And now its too big for me, it doesnt fit as well as it did 1½ years ago. AND the zipper is broken so I can’t close it! So it was time to get a new one!
I looked around stores and so on to find my new friend for life! A jacket to grow with and a jacket that had that “HENRIK FEEEEELING” you know? I did not find any jacket that had my name written on it :(. BAD STORES, BAAAD
I talked to my father about this problem and I asked him if he had some old jackets somewhere. Well since I knew he had used leather jackets in his youth I asked him how many he had. “I’ve got a few” he said, walking over to the wardrobe and 5 minutes later 7 leather jackets saw the light of day for the first time since the war.
And one of these jackets actually had my name written on it! It was plain with buttons not a zipper. It was worn at the edges which gives it more life! And to be honest! I love the fact that I’m actually using my fathers old jacket, makes me all warm and fuzzy inside 🙂