So I was down in Malmö this weekend to visit my good friend Magnus. Its a tidious ride there but I had a great weekend anyway :).
We didn’t do much, except eating and watching TV. It was very relaxing and cozy I must say! We also played some pool and video games. And saw that Sweden-Denmark-football game.
When I first arrived at Malmö we went to where Magnus work to drop off my bags and stuff, then we went out to get something to eat and get the cinematickets. Then we played pool until the movie started. Went there and saw THE SURROGATES or what ever it was called. A new action flick with Bruce Willis… It was… BAD. Bad beyond recognition. I get chills when I think about it. So after that epic failure we went back to his office where we played pool until 01.30, got home to his appartment and fell asleep!
The Saturday was a day of shopping! I bought a new wallet and 10 movies :). We teamed up with a guy who works with magnus. A british guy named STEVEN. Then an evening with football, pizza and “An Evening with Kevin Smith” followed :). Was pretty epic, except the game, cause that sucked ballsack.
Sunday was a day for rest… We went out to buy some food, then spent the entire day inside watching movies and eating tacos. We saw 3 old movies from the days of yore. G.I. JANE, Jurrasic Park and Golden Eye.
That was my weekend. I enjoyed it 😀